Amplify’d from I'm going to go on a limb here, but I have a radical proposal of a way to solve our political crisis in the world. Now, I know that's outrageous but I'm going to go for it anyway. In my experience, it's not about defending your position, it's not about being a democrat or a republican or on the right or on the left, it has nothing to do with that. If we just hold on to our positions and fight for them, if we just all look out for our own selfish interest, if you look around, you can see what that looks like. All the trends on the planet are going like this, they're going down, it's because all of us haven't learned to play well with others. I'm serious. If we could just learn to cooperate a little more with each other, and even more importantly, if political decisions were made based on what is for the highest and best good for everyone involved, it would take radical change across the planet. It would make everything easier, even if we all did that just a little bit more, where instead of trying to win an argument or prove a point, we simply ask ourselves, "Well, what is for the highest and best good for everyone involved?" If we all start living like that, even just a little more, there is a possibility for tremendous positive change.Read more at
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